Μέλος του Μητρώου Επιχειρήσεων Ηλεκτρονικών Μέσων Ενημέρωσης
Ηλίας Χόντος by Ηλίας Χόντος, 9 years ago
Rally Acropolis 2016

Watching a car racing on gravel road is very exciting, almost a ritual. The viewer must walk several kilometers in order to find the ideal position, which will give him the emotion he wishes.
But photographing this kind of a race is a challenge and also has its risks.
The photographer must find specific spots that would inspire him, so that he won't simply take pictures of some cars running on a road, but he should be able to give the photo, its motion, the pulse, and the strength arising from each car that passes in front of the lens. He will lie down, get dirty and tired, but the result will be the reward.
At this point applies a rule that says, "The best photo is taken from the most dangerous point".
Watch a small video from a dangerous point, from where I have been shooting amazing photos.

Helias Hondos
